Using Compose, users can share any link to their social networks directly from Bambu. Publishing to multiple networks from one place saves time and hassle, circumventing the need to share links to each network natively. Additionally, Bambu helps you understand how much of an impact your shared links make once they've been published.
This article will teach you how to enable and use Compose in Bambu.
Compose allows you to publish links directly to the social profiles you've connected to Bambu. This enables you to share content all from one place, even if the story is not currently available in Bambu.
Note: Links shared with Compose will can only be shared to the social networks connected by the individual, and any links shared will not affect team reporting.
Enabling Compose
Admins can enable Compose for their teams by clicking on their nameplate in the lower left corner of the platform and navigating to Company Settings. From the General tab, select Enable Compose.
Using Compose
Once Compose is enabled for your team, you can begin by clicking the Compose button in the left panel.
You will be prompted to paste a URL. Then you can choose the network to which you'd like to publish and write your accompanying message.
If Suggestions have been enabled for your team, Readers can also optionally choose to submit the URL they are sharing as a Suggestion for Managers or Admins to share with the rest of the team in the main Bambu feed.
Measuring Impact
After sharing content to your social networks via Bambu, you can view how they've performed in the Stats section of Personal Settings.